Wicker Park Committee –Tree Committee

Goals: The goals of the WPC Tree Committee are to save our existing trees and put new trees in the ground.  You can join these efforts by volunteering at Wicker Park Committee.

Come join the effort:    WPC has several initiatives underway.  These include identification of problem trees, watering and tree care, help in acquisition of new trees, sharing information about tree care and concerns.  Volunteers provide insight and hands on help.

How to get a tree:  You can request a tree for your parkway from several sources, or purchase a tree for a parkway or private lot from one of several companies who are familiar with City regulations. 

For free parkway trees: The City of Chicago Bureau of Forestry plants trees in the parkways.  Trees can be requested through the Chicago Forestry Department. Openlands  is an organization that provides education and trees to.  

In the First Ward you can request a tree by contacting Alderman LaSpata: info@the

To purchase a tree for your parkway or private lot, which will give faster service and allow more choice of species, there are many excellent landscaping firms.  Two companies that are familiar with the types of trees that will survive in the urban environment and the Chicago requirements for safely planting trees are Bartlett Trees and i-Trees.  These firms have offered particular benefits to WPC members. 

More helpful Information:

Many organizations provide information about the types of trees and care of trees. These include Morton Arboretum and Openlands.