What is Preservation & Development?
The P&D Committee conducts itself like a neighborhood zoning committee, reviewing construction proposals from developers. Considering the special historical nature of the Wicker Park community, the Committee evaluates development proposals with an emphasis on historical preservation as well as development quality.
Why is P&D important for Wicker Park?
The Wicker Park community is unique in that it encompasses two significant Landmark Districts within its boundaries: the Wicker Park Landmark District and the Milwaukee Avenue Landmark District. The P&D Committee reviews all construction requests within the Districts to ensure the project quality and historical integrity of the Districts. Additionally, the Committee evaluates all requests from developers for zoning changes in order to promote quality of life developments which are proper for the neighborhood.
What are some P&D "success" stories?
How can I get involved?
P&D meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at the Wicker Park Fieldhouse (7pm). Email:
wickerparkcommittee@gmail.com for more details.